replaced new phone
Wednesday, July 22, 2009My favorite Nokia 6233 had been used for 2 years, but in the messy situation and stolen by someone. At the time, i never felt scared and nervous. I did not think anythings and any excuses to my parents. When I home, I directed said I lost my phone at the bus cause this this this that that that.....and I felt weird after that, when the calmness came out for the particular time. Just want to say "HOLY SHIT, BULLSHIT BASTARD".......
I finished my dinner and shower, I called my friend and fetch me to service centre to replaced back my sim card and belove number. When I take back the sim card and realised my credit had been used by the PICKPOCKET....really pissed me off at the time......
I felt that no handphone like lost all the contact with my friend, and go out to somewhere else also a trouble and inconvenient when my friends need to find me. The feeling like broken a arm, nothing can do.

The Sunday began, my dad suddenly invited me and my mom went to carrefour to bought some grocery for daily basis. After reached there, I saw the phone like above MotoRAZR V6 maxx in price RM499 by the promotion day. The phone I wanted to buy when I bought the missing phone, I made the decision to sacrificed the V6 maxx. Now I bought for it and the aspiration last 2 years come true even the phone's model is getting drop behind but I'm not regret.
My Handphone Evolution
1. Erricson T768 - mangled
2. Mitsubishi Trium Eclipse - mangled
3. Erricson T100 - mangled
4. Nokia 3315 - lost by sister
5. Nokia 2600 - sold
6. Motorola L6 - mangled
7. Nokia 6233 - had been stolen
8. Motorola RAZR V6 maxx - current