Keep Clean ......hehe........
stay at home always felt bored, i saw my mom keep the cupboard and brought out all the useless things to throw. i saw my mom so hardwork and suddenly i also clear up my things and rubbish.
this is the rubbish i took it alot?? i think this already keep in the cupboard more than 10 years, got vcd, boxes, bag, books and papers.
i keeping and realized i got many online game installation dvd, the pictures show only a small part of it. all of the game i only play for 2 or 3 weeks and stopped, every game i also play for fun and i will not addicted like others.
yeah....yeah..........finally my table cleaned is neat and tidy ler......i think this is only the place and things is definate own by myself and all bought by my own money, although got some of it is using the allowance from college. i appreatiate for my everythings cause that are not easy to get.......